Only the licensee has published a web server

  1. The licensor calls the licensee’s web service endpoint with a GET ClaimRequestList call (as defined in Clause;

  1. The licensee replies to the GET ClaimRequestList call with an Atom feed providing URL(s) for all MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage(s) created by the licensee that are ready to be retrieved;

  1. The licensor calls the licensee’s web service endpoint with a GET ClaimRequest call (as defined in Clause for each URL provided in Clause above;

  1. The licensee replies to the GET ClaimRequest call with the requested MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage(s); and

  1. The licensor calls the licensee’s web service endpoint with a POST ClaimNotification call (as defined in Clause requesting that the web service endpoint accept the requested MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage(s) identified in the POST call.