7.11 Structure of the Musical Work Claim Notification Recall Message

The high-level structure of the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationRecallMessage is depicted in Figure 11 below. The message contains two XML attributes:

  1. The AvsVersionId communicates the version of the allowed value sets used in the message. For information on how to use this XML attribute, refer to Clause 7.3; and

  1. The LanguageAndScriptCode communicates the language and script for the elements of the message as defined in IETF RfC 5646. Language and script are communicated using the syntax lang[-script][-region][-variant].

The MusicalWorkClaimNotificationRecallMessage also contains two composites that together provide the bulk of the data that is being carried in a message created in accordance with the MWN standard

  1. The MessageHeader contains the header for the message; and

  1. The RecalledMessage lists one or more MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage(s) that are recalled by the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationRecallMessage.

Further information is provided in the XML Schema Definition file for this standard, which can be found on the DDEX Knowledge Base.


Figure 11 – Structure of the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationRecallMessage (mandatory elements are framed and connected using thick lines; optional elements are not framed and connected by thin lines