Show navigation6.3 Web service protocol6.3.1 Introduction6.3.2 Direct choreography6.3.2.1 Introduction6.3.2.2 Only the licensor has published a web server6.3.2.3 Only the licensee has published a web server6.3.2.4 Both parties have published a web server6.3.3 Hub-based choreography6.3.4 Identification of individual claim requests6.3.5 URLs6.3.6 Personalising the feed6.3.7 Web server set-up and authentication6.3.8 Identifying web service callers without authentication6.3.9 Web service commands6.3.9.1 Introduction6.3.9.2 POST ClaimRequest6.3.9.3 GET ClaimNotificationList6.3.9.4 GET ClaimNotification6.3.9.5 GET ClaimRequestList6.3.9.6 GET ClaimRequest6.3.9.7 POST ClaimNotification6.3.10 Atom feed