7.9.2 Structure of the MusicalWork composite

The high-level structure of the MusicalWork composite is depicted in Figure 8 below. The composite contains the following elements to describe a musical work.

  1. The MusicalWorkReference defines a message-specific identifier that enables the MusicalWork composite to be referenced from other parts of the message;

  1. The MusicalWorkId communicates various identifiers of the musical work, e.g. an ISWC;

  1. The Title communicates titles and subtitles of the musical work;

  1. The MusicalWorkType communicates specialised musical work types such as medley or an adaptation into a different language, in relation to the musical work;

  1. The TextMusicRelationshipType communicates how, in relation to the musical work, the lyrics (where relevant) and the music are related;

  1. The LanguageOfLyrics contains the language of the lyrics of the musical work;

  1. The TargetInstrument contains the instrument(s) that were, in the case of a recording of the musical work, or are, in the case of a performance, intended to be used to express the musical work, either as it was composed or as it has been arranged;

  1. The DistributionClass communicates data about the type(s) of the musical work that are useful for the classification of the musical work for royalty distribution purposes. Examples include classical music or pop music;

  1. The IsSpeciallyCreatedWork indicates if the lyrics and/or the music have been specially created for a television series or advertisement or other such audio-visual production;

10. The HasBeenRecorded indicates if, to the best knowledge of the rights holder or other licensor that has created the message in accordance with the MWN standard, a recording of the work exists;

11. The Duration contains the duration of the musical work in a normal usage;

12. The DisambiguationDescription communicates information for disambiguating the musical work from another when otherwise they are likely to be confused;

13. The Writer communicates details of a contributor to the musical work;

14. The Status communicates details of the status of the rights claim. Examples include a complete claim, an incomplete claim or a claim with a minor or major overclaim;

15. The MusicalWorkReferenceList lists reference identifiers of related musical works (e.g. musical works that the musical work at hand includes or that it is part of); and

16. The RevocationReason communicates the reason for revoking the musical work if the message is sent as a revocation message.


Figure 8 – Structure of the MusicalWork composite (mandatory elements are framed and connected using thick lines; optional elements are not framed and connected by thin lines)

The MusicalWork composite is also part of the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage.