7.9.3 Structure of the RightShare composite

The high-level structure of the RightShare composite is depicted in Figure 9 below. The composite contains the following elements to describe a right share of a musical work.

  1. The RightShareReference defines a message-specific identifier that enables the RightShare composite be referenced from other parts of the message;

  1. The RightShareType communicates whether the right share is a writer share, original publisher share, collection share or licensing share;

  1. The WorkPart communicates which part (the lyrics or the music) of the musical work is covered by the right share;

  1. The RightShareId communicates a proprietary identifier for the right share;

  1. The AgreementId contains an identifier of an agreement under which a rights holder has acquired the right share in respect of the musical work;

  1. The RightShareWorkReference contains an identifier that references the musical work relevant to the right share;

  1. The IsWorkRelatedToSample indicates if the musical work is embodied in a sound recording that is sampled in another sound recording;

  1. The TerritoryReference, TerritoryCode and ExcludedTerritoryCode communicate the territory or territories for which the right share claim is made;

  1. The RightsType communicates a type of right(s) that is attributed to the right share;

10. The UseType and ExcludedUseType communicate type(s) of usage of the musical work for which the right share is claimed or not;

11. The DSP and ExcludedDSP communicate data identifying the DSP(s) whose services are permitted to exploit the musical work or not;

12. The CarrierType communicates the type of carrier(s) (e.g. compact disk or 33 rpm 12 inch LP) that is permitted or not, to carry the musical work relating to the right share;

13. The CommercialModelType communicates the type of business model(s) that it is permitted or not, to use the musical work relating to the right share;

14. The RightsController, LicensingAgent, RightsControllerUnknown and RightsControllerDisplayName communicate data about the identity of a rights holder and a licensing agent;

15. The PublisherCredits contains an acknowledgment of a rights holder;

16. The ValidityPeriod communicates the period for which the right share claim is valid;

17. The RightShareUnknown, RightShareNotClaimed and RightSharePercentage communicate data relating to the percentage of the right share that is unknown, not claimed or claimed;

18. The HasRightsInDispute indicates if the right share in the musical work is in dispute;

19. The PriorRoyalties indicates if there is an entitlement for the rights holder to collect royalties pre-dating the start date of the right share;

20. The IsPayable indicates if royalties are payable in respect of the right share in the musical work;

21. The RightsClaimPolicy communicates data describing a rights claim policy operated by the rights holder or other licensor in respect of the right share in the musical work;

22. The HasOriginalPublisherShare communicates an identifier that references a related original publisher share in the musical work; and

23. The IsFollowerInTitleOf communicates data describing a right share claim that preceded the current right share claim.


Figure 9 – Structure of the RightShare composite (mandatory elements are framed and connected using thick lines; optional elements are not framed and connected by thin lines)