GET ClaimRequestList Purpose

This command can be used by the licensor to request MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage(s) containing right share claim requests from the licensee.

The licensor will then call from its web service endpoint, after appropriate authentication if present, the web service endpoint of the licensee. Parameters

In order to enable the licensor’s web service endpoint to request a specific list of MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage(s) containing right share claim requests to be returned in response to this call, the licensee’s web service endpoint shall support the following parameters when used in a query with the syntax defined in RfC 3986.

  • from: Get items older than this time stamp (inclusive). The time stamp shall be provided in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd);

  • to: Get items newer than this time stamp (inclusive). The time stamp shall be provided in 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd);

  • offset: Position of the first item in the list to return; and

  • limit: Maximum number of items to return. If the limit is set to 0, it means "all" items.

It is permissible to communicate multiple queries separated by ampersands (&). If multiple queries are provided, they shall be deemed to be logical AND combined. The example below requests an Atom feed containing 10 entries starting from the 100th item generated between 1st January 2016 and 31st January 2016:

GET https://www.example.com/base/url?from=2016-01-01&to=2016-01-31&offset=100&limit=10

The query format is to be defined in a bilateral agreement between the licensor and the licensee.

The GET ClaimRequestList command may also be used without any parameters. In that case the licensee operating the web service endpoint will determine the items to send in the Atom feed to the licensee’s web service endpoint. Syntax of reply

The licensee’s web service endpoint shall return one of the following standard HTTP status codes with their standard HTTP response code semantics:

  • 200 (OK);

  • 400 (Bad request);

  • 401 (Unauthorised);

  • 404 (Not found);

  • 406 (Not Acceptable query);

  • 414 (Request-URI Too Long);

  • 503 (Service unavailable due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server); and

  • 500 (Internal server error).

Other standard HTTP status codes may be used in accordance with a bilateral agreement between the licensor and the licensee.

The licensee’s web service endpoint shall also return, if it has the relevant right share claim request data, to the licensor’s web service client an Atom feed of MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage(s) as defined in this standard that meets any parameters (if provided) as defined in Clause