5.2 Data exchange between rights holders, and record companies and DSPs

The figures below depict the choreography of message exchange between rights holders (or other licensors) and record companies, digital service providers (DSPs) (or other licensees) using the messages defined in this standard.

This choreography supports two approaches to exchanging musical work and/or right share data. A rights holder can exchange data directly with a record company, DSP or other licensee, or the communication can be carried out via a central hub which may act as a data routing service and/or as a musical work and/or right share data cache.

While this choreography is part of the choreography of message exchange between rights holders and CMOs, DSPs or other business partners described in Clause 5.1, it is described separately here because it addresses different types of companies (record companies instead of CMOs) and some business cases do not apply (e.g. conflict notifications are not applicable). Also, this clause describes the choreography as it was presented in version 1.1 of the MWN standard, adding recall messages to it.

Picture 2.png

Figure 2 – Direct communication between a record company or DSP (or other licensee) and a rights holder (or other licensor)

Picture 3.png

Figure 3 – Indirect communication via a central hub between a record company or DSP (or other licensee) and a rights holder (or other licensor)



The table below summarises the points at which the messages defined in this standard are sent.

Message Name

Initiating Event





If a record company, DSP, hub or other company wishes to receive information about a musical work
and/or right share data (e.g. for the purposes of obtaining a licence or to make available or monetise
a resource containing a musical work) but has no, or insufficient, right share data.

This also applies when a record company, DSP, hub or other company wishes to update its request
for musical work and/or right share data (e.g. because it has become aware of changes to the data
|about a musical work and/or right share).

Record company or DSP
(or other licensee)

Rights holder
(or other licensor)


Record company or DSP
(or other licensee)




Rights holder
(or other licensor)



If a rights holder (or other licensor) or hub wishes to inform a record company, DSP, hub or other
company about its own or other companies’ musical work and/or right share data with respect to
the musical works embodied in a resource because:

  • It has received a MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage; or because

  • Another trigger has occurred. Such triggers may include circumstances where the rights holder
    (or other licensor) has previously provided a rights claim for a musical work and subsequently
    loses the rights to that right share for a musical work, or the resolution of a right share
    ownership conflict.

This also applies when a rights holder (or other licensor) or hub wishes to update a previously
sent MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage because some data has changed.

In such a case the second MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage shall update all the data
in respect of the same musical work and/or right share data sent in the first

The message can also be used by a rights holder (or other licensor) to communicate right share
data regarding a musical work not owned or controlled by the sender of the message. In that case,
the recipient may use the data not as authoritative but solely as “helpful information”.

Rights holder
(or other licensor)

Record company or DSP
(or other licensee)


Rights holder
(or other licensor)




Record company or DSP
(or other licensee)



If a record company, DSP, hub or other company notices that it no longer requires musical work
and/or right share data and wishes to recall its MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage.

Record company or DSP
(or other licensee)

Rights holder
(or other licensor)


Record company or DSP
(or other licensee)




Rights holder
(or other licensor)



If a rights holder (or other licensor) notices that it has sent a
MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage in error and wishes to recall it. 

The hub is expected to notify the updated information of the relevant rights claims to any record
companies or DSPs that have received the information that has been recalled.

The method is not defined by this standard.

Rights holder
(or other licensor)

Record company or DSP
(or other licensee)


Rights holder
(or other licensor)
