6.2.1 Introduction

The file exchange server may be hosted by any of the messaging parties or a third party. This standard does not define on whose server the files are being stored as this is determined by bilateral agreement between messaging parties.

Message Name

Initiating Event




A party has finished collating the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage(s)and/or the
MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage(s) created inaccordance with the
MWN standard into a batch and wishes its business partner to commence ingesting it.

The ManifestMessage is not shown in the above diagrams.

This message is only used when the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage(s) and/or
MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage(s) are exchanged using file exchange servers.

Sender of messages

Recipient of messages

Ftp Acknowledgement Message

A party receives a batch of messages created in accordance with the MWN standard.

The party then acknowledges receipt of each message (not agreement with its content).

This message is only used when the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage and/or
MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage are exchanged using file exchange servers.

Recipient of messages

Sender of messages


The arrival of the batch on the file exchange server shall be signified by placing a manifest file (as defined below) at the appropriate location. The manifest file shall refer, directly or indirectly to all files that are part of the batch. The manifest may only be placed on the file exchange server, once all other files have been completely uploaded.