Annex A Release notes (informative)

Version 1.3 has all the features that had been added to the retracted version 1.2.1 and adds support for:

  • Recalling notification messages by adding a MusicalWorkClaimNotificationRecallMessage;

  • The list of allowed-value sets shared between all DDEX standards, which required the addition of a mandatory AvsVersionId attribute on all message tags;

  • The profiles defined in Part 2 of the MWN standard, which required the addition of a ProfileId element to the notification and request messages and the change of the cardinality of some elements that have been made optional;

  • An improved management of territory data, for which a TerritoryList (as defined in Clause 7.7) was added to the notification and request messages;

  • More comprehensive descriptions of musical works by adding optional elements to the MusicalWork composite (as defined in Clause 7.9.2): MusicalWorkType, TextMusicRelationshipType, LanguageOfLyrics, TargetInstrument, DistributionClass, IsSpeciallyCreatedWork, HasBeenRecorded, Duration, RevocationReason;

  • A Title element in the MusicalWork composite that is repeatable and based on a new composite that also allows specifying a TitleType;

  • A Status attribute on the ISWC element in the MusicalWork composite that allows specifying its status;

  • The communication of relationships between musical works by a MusicalWorkReferenceList to the MusicalWork composite;

  • More comprehensive descriptions of right shares by adding optional elements to the RightShare composite (as defined in Clause 7.9.3): WorkPart, AgreementId, IsWorkRelatedToSample, PriorRoyalties, IsPayable, DSP and ExcludedDSP;

  • A RightShareWorkReference element in the RightShare composite that is repeatable, so a RightShare composite can be linked to several MusicalWork composites;

  • The specification of excluded territories in RightShare: the TerritoryCode element has been complemented by an ExcludedTerritoryCode element;

  • The specification of excluded use types in RightShare: the UseType element has been complemented by an ExcludedUseType element;

  • The communication of a RightShare without specifying a ValidityPeriod element (this element is now optional);

  • A clearer specification of a RightsShare by restricting the number of RightShareType elements in the RightShare composite to 1;

  • A more detailed description of relationships between resources and musical works by adding elements IsIncorrectLink and HasConfidence to the ResourceMusicalWorkReference composite;

  • Exploitations of musical works, for which an ExploitationList composite was created and added to the notification message;

  • The communication of revocations, for which the MusicalWork composite was adapted;

  • The communication of rights conflicts, for which a Conflict composite was created and added to the RightShareList composite;

  • A refined structure for the TerritoryCode and ExcludedTerritoryCode elements in SocietyAffiliation, so it is now possible to use both elements to express, e.g. Europe without Italy;

  • Controlling the format of values by adding patterns to the elements LanguageAndScriptCode and IpiNameNumber;

  • Enforcing the provision of non-empty strings in some elements;

  • A clearer definition of several elements, e.g. RightsType, UseType and RightSharePercentage;

  • Communicating a party that has requested a message in the new element SentAsRequestedBy element in the MessageHeader.

Version 1.3 also corrects:

  • The root elements of the messages, which had two attributes BusinessProfileVersionId and ReleaseProfileVersionId that were not needed and therefore deleted;

  • The Label element, which is only a reference to a Party element, by deleting redundant attributes;

  • The ReleaseType element, where the redundant attributes UserDefinedValue and Namespace have been deleted.

Version 1.2.1 corrected:

  • A minor bug by making the AvsVersionId attribute on all message tags optional and changes the data type to xs:string.

Version 1.2.1 was retracted.

Version 1.2 added support for:

  • Updating and recalling messages.

Version 1.1 added support for:

  • A hub-based architecture where a central hub is used to channel requests for right share claims as well as right share claims between (prospective) licensees and (prospective) licensors. This is in addition to the direct information exchange between (prospective) licensees and (prospective) licensors;

  • Web services.

Version 1.0 was not published and only used for internal testing.