Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography Standard - Part 1: Message definition
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Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography Standard - Part 1: Message definition
1 Introduction
2 Organisation of the document
3 Normative references
4 Terms and abbreviations
4.1 Terms and definitions
4.2 Abbreviations
5 Message choreography
5.1 Data exchange between rights holders and CMOs or DSPs
5.2 Data exchange between rights holders, and record companies and DSPs
6 Message exchange
6.1 Introduction
6.2 File exchange protocol
6.2.1 Introduction
6.2.2 Folder naming convention
6.2.3 XML file naming convention
6.2.4 Supporting file naming convention
6.2.5 Manifest
6.2.6 Acknowledgement
6.2.7 Size of batch
6.2.8 Hybrid batches
6.2.9 Non-batched messages
6.3 Web service protocol
6.3.1 Introduction
6.3.2 Direct choreography Introduction Only the licensor has published a web server Only the licensee has published a web server Both parties have published a web server
6.3.3 Hub-based choreography
6.3.4 Identification of individual claim requests
6.3.5 URLs
6.3.6 Personalising the feed
6.3.7 Web server set-up and authentication
6.3.8 Identifying web service callers without authentication
6.3.9 Web service commands Introduction POST ClaimRequest GET ClaimNotificationList GET ClaimNotification GET ClaimRequestList GET ClaimRequest POST ClaimNotification
6.3.10 Atom feed
7 Message definition
7.1 Namespace
7.2 Syntax and semantics of messages
7.3 Allowed-value sets
7.4 Schema validation
7.5 Contractually mandatory
7.6 Character coding
7.7 Specification of territories
7.8 Structure of the Musical Work Claim Request Message
7.9 Structure of the Musical Work Claim Notification Message
7.9.1 Introduction
7.9.2 Structure of the MusicalWork composite
7.9.3 Structure of the RightShare composite
7.10 Structure of the Musical Work Claim Request Recall Message
7.11 Structure of the Musical Work Claim Notification Recall Message
7.12 Structure of the Manifest Message
7.13 Structure of the Ftp Acknowledgement Message
Annex A Release notes (informative)
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4 Terms and abbreviations
4.1 Terms and definitions
4.2 Abbreviations