Both parties have published a web server

  1. The licensee calls the licensor’s web service endpoint with a POST ClaimRequest call requesting that the web service endpoint accept the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage(s) identified in the POST call; and

  1. The licensor replies to the POST ClaimRequest call with MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage(s) if it has all the data needed to populate the message or a holding message which informs the licensee that the information will be provided at a later stage.

For each right share data request contained in a MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage for which the licensor has not been able to provide data immediately, the licensor can call the web service endpoint of the licensee using the POST ClaimNotification call requesting that the licensee web service endpoint accept the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage(s) identified in the POST call, in which the outstanding data has been included.